Where to Start with Hashimoto’s

Have you been diagnosed with Hashimoto’s and you aren’t sure where to start? There’s a ton of information out there and it can be a little overwhelming. This is how I’m beginning my own fight against Hashimoto’s. After my sixth miscarriage earlier this month, I requested a full thyroid panel, including antibodies. I’ve suspected low … Read more

How to Improve Your Fertility by Healing Your Digestive System

There are so many factors that can contribute to infertility. Regardless of your unique struggle–whether it’s recurrent miscarriage or needing to balance your hormones or genetics or something else–improving your digestion can boost your fertility. The link between digestion and fertility surprised me when I first learned about it. I read about it in Alissa … Read more

On Being a Childless Mother: Understanding and Preventing Recurrent Miscarriage

When you are trying to start a family, miscarriage is one of the most heartbreaking things that can happen. It’s happened to me. In the nearly 6 years that we’ve been growing our family, I’ve suffered from recurrent miscarriage–3 miscarriages, 2 beautiful babies, and then 3 more miscarriages. Most of mine have been what are … Read more

Surprising Symptoms of Hormone Imbalance

How do you know if you have a hormone imbalance? The symptoms of hormone imbalance may not be what you think. I think most of us think of the reproductive system and the menstrual cycle when we think about hormones. But symptoms of hormone imbalance are not just limited to problems with your menstrual cycle. … Read more

How to Balance Your Hormones Naturally

Is it possible to balance your hormones naturally? During and after my own experience with recurring miscarriage, I put a lot of time and effort into studying natural hormone balance Our modern, tech-saturated world contributes a lot to poor health–we don’t spend enough time outdoors in the sunlight (which itself has a major effect on … Read more

When Should You Announce Your Pregnancy?

3 Reasons Why We’re Ignoring the 12-Week Rule Should you wait until you’re past your first trimester to announce your pregnancy? Or should you let everyone know as soon as you find out? I’ve done both–here’s why I chose to announce my pregnancy “early” with my second baby. My husband recently started his computer science … Read more